Make a creative brief for Facebook ads

Goal: To give the designers of the Facebook advertisements a high-level understanding of the client’s business.

The designer should be able to create ads that adhere to the campaign’s specifications.

Prerequisites or requirements: You should have completed the ad campaign brief and conducted a strategy call with the customer as prerequisites.

Why this matters: Your designers will be able to provide top-notch, pertinent creatives for the ad campaigns if they have a comprehensive understanding of the company goals and objectives.

Where this is done: Google Docs and email.

When this is finished: Following the client strategy call.

The project or account manager is responsible for this.

How to Complete This Form

There are four primary sections in this design brief:

  1. Project Background — Give a brief history of the project as well as the client. What is the business’s mission and what kinds of goods or services do they offer?
  1.  Campaign objective– Describe the purpose of this advertising campaign. What are the client’s goals for the campaign, and what kind of advertisements and creative resources are required?
  1. Client’s Details — A brief overview of the client’s operations for the designer, including the company’s present website, brand guidelines, product description, Unique Selling Proposition (USP), target market, and rivals. You should also provide a URL so the designer may access all of the creative materials the client has provided.
  1. Ad Image Specifications — Specify the requirements for the adverts. What kind of advertisements are needed, how many of them, and their creative direction. Facebook’s most often used image ad forms are seen in the templates below (Facebook Feed, Carousel, and right-hand column ad).
  1. Ads references — As a guide, include screenshots of rival or client advertisements.

Creative Brief for Facebook Ads


Connecters adipescent alit, lorem ipsum dolor sit. Cogue lorem pursue ac leo, nulla pulvinar, nibh sit amet rhoncus pellentesque, ipsum magna suscipit velit.

Facebook Campaign’s goal

A variety of eros, effector nibh vel, ut sed felis sollicitudin. Vulputate sit amet elementum id, venenatis in mauris, integer ante libero. Tortoise efficitur Maecenas sit amet condimentum.

URL of a product or website

Guideline for Brands

Main advantages / USP

Website / Product Page URL

Target  Audience

Main Competitors

Client Resources


Brand Guideline

Product Description

Main benefits /


Website / Product Page URL

Target  Audience

Main Competitors


Brand Guideline

Product Description

Main benefits /


Website / Product Page URL

Target  Audience

Main Competitors

Number of  image(s) required



750 x 246

Ad Image Copy

#1: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

#2: Nulla pulvinar, nibh sit amet rhoncus pellentesque.

#3: Proin porttitor augue ut ornare vehicula.


Creative direction, special notes for the ad image(s)

File Type


Max File Size


Dimensions of the necessary image(s): 3 750 x 246

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, is the first line of the ad image copy.

Number Two: Nulla pulvinar, nibh sat amet rhoncus pellentesque.

#3: Vehicula proin porttitor augue.


Special instructions for the commercial image and creative direction (s)

PNG or JPG File Type; Maximum File Size: 30Mb

Ad Carousel on Facebook

Number of required images: 3 Dimension: 1080 x 1080

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, is the first line of the ad image copy.

Number Two: Nulla pulvinar, nibh sat amet rhoncus pellentesque.

#3: Vehicula proin porttitor augue.


Special instructions for the commercial image and creative direction (s)

PNG or JPG File Type; Maximum File Size: 30Mb

Right-Hand Column Ad on Facebook

3 images are needed, with a dimension of 1200 x 628.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, is the first line of the ad image copy.

Number Two: Nulla pulvinar, nibh sat amet rhoncus pellentesque.

#3: Vehicula proin porttitor augue.


Special instructions for the commercial image and creative direction (s)

PNG or JPG File Type; Maximum File Size: 30Mb

Advertising references (from rivals or current ads)

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