Making a Facebook Ads Cart Abandonment Remarketing Campaign

Goal: Construct a straightforward Facebook ads campaign that targets people who were on the verge of buying your product.

Ideal Result: After spending less than 30 minutes setting up a sponsored campaign, you start earning more sales by marketing to your best qualified leads.

Prerequisites or requirements: You can only do this when the Facebook Pixel has been set up on your website.

Why it matters: If your website already receives steady traffic, remarketing campaigns may be the first sponsored campaign you launch. Abandoned carts are simple revenue opportunities.

Where this is done: In Google Tag Manager and Facebook Ads Manager.

When to do this: When you want to build a procedure to attract some of the customers who have just completed your checkout flow back to your website (and complete their purchase.)

This is done by the person in charge of running the campaign.

Environment Setup for Facebook Ads


  • This blog outlines a procedure that calls for the setup of the Facebook Pixel. Check review our blog for Installing the Facebook Pixel on Your Site if you have not already if you have not done so.
  • Before continuing, you should have already set up or gained access to your business’ Facebook advertisements account.
  • Additionally, you have to have already set up a Facebook page for your business.

Custom Conversion Creation 

You will generate a conversion for your product’s purchase in this phase. You may then tailor your campaign to this conversion thanks to this.

  1. Launch Facebook Ads Manager and select “Events Manager”

  1. Click “Custom Conversions” by hovering your cursor over the green circled + button in the sidebar.

  1. To create a new conversion, select “Create Custom Conversion”:
  1. Name your conversion “Purchased [name of your product],” for example.
  2. Choose the Pixel for your company as the data source. If you can not see it, choose “Web users.”
  3. Enter the URL of the thank you page that your customers are taken to after making a purchase in the “URL Contains” section. Choose “Purchase” as the conversion category after that.
  4. If your product has a value, you can choose to set a conversion value. Select “Enter a conversion value” only once.
  5. Click “Create.”

     4. After receiving a success notification, click “Done.”

     5 . A “No Activity Yet” (or “Inactive”) message will appear next to your custom conversion under “Status.”

     6. To start the custom conversion, go to the browser’s thank you page. The status should then have changed to “Active” after refreshing the Facebook Ads Manager page.

Remarketing Audience Development

You will develop your remarketing audience in this step.

  1. Visit your Facebook ads management once more.
  2. Choose “Audiences” from the sidebar drawer by clicking it.

  1. Select “Custom Audience” when you click “Create Audience.”

  1. Select “Website” from the list of choices.

  1. Instead of choosing “All website visitors,” choose “People who visited specific web sites,” and then enter the URL of your checkout page in the URL field.

  1. Select “People who viewed certain web pages” rather than “All website visitors” and enter the URL of your thank you page in the URL field after clicking “Exclude.”

  1. When you click “Create Audience” and give your audience a name like “Abandoned carts for [name of your product],” you will see a success message that reads:

Getting Ready Your Campaign Materials

We advise starting with the simplest ad format consequently, single picture, if this is your first cart abandonment campaign. Thus on every campaign you conduct, it is recommended practice to test various adverts.

  1. Always create two photos with the following requirements to be used in the campaign:

1,200 by 628 pixels are the size.

  1. Definitely make two variations of the ad copy.
  2. These are the variations or versions of your advertisements:

               a. First iteration: Image 1 plus Copy

               b. Version #2: Picture 1 and Copy 2

               c. Third iteration: Image 2 plus Copy 1

               d. Fourth iteration: Image 2 plus Copy 2

Making Your Advertising Campaign

You will set up your advertising campaign in this phase.

  1. From anywhere on the Facebook Ads Manager, click “Create Ad.”
  2. Make “Conversions” the goal of your campaign.

  1. Use the following nomenclature for “Campaign Name”: Remarketing – [Product name]

  1. To continue creating your ad set, click “Continue.”
  2. Use the following terminology for “Ad Set Name”: Remarketing – [Product name] – Abandoned Cart

  1. Choose “Website” under “Conversion,” then click the most recent custom conversion you made.

  1. Select the most recent custom audience you established under “Custom Audiences.”

            a. You can further divide your audience based on factors like region, age, gender, language, and hobbies.

  1. You can start with “Automatic Placements” under “Placements.”

  1. Pick a daily spending limit that you feel comfortable sticking to, like $10 or $20. Establish a conversion window of one day after clicking, and ensure that the campaign is optimizing for conversions. Set a bid cap that is below the revenue from a product sale, and finally.

  1. To continue to the development of ads, click “Continue.”
  2. Use the following terminology for “Ad Name”: Abandoned Cart – Remarketing – [Product name] –

  1. Choose your Facebook page from the drop-down menu, then decide whether to connect an Instagram account or use the Facebook page for Instagram ads.

  1. Further choose the “Single Image” ad format.

  1. Upload one of the pictures you created for the advertisement.

  1. Enter the details of your advertisement:
  1. Destination URL. In order to track the effectiveness of your campaign in Google Analytics, we advise using UTM parameters (you can use our UTM tagging blog to do that)
  2. Headline
  3. Text
  4. Demand for Action
  5.  Detailed News Feed Link

     16. Next scroll through the many ad options to make sure everything appears to be in order.

     17.  Hence verify that your ad has been created.

     18. Within the Ads Manager, select the “Ads” option.

     19.Click “Duplicate” after hovering over the recently produced advertisement.

     20. Click to edit the Ad, leaving the Campaign and Ad Set alone. To put up a new ad version, repeat steps 12 through 18.

    21. Once you have built up all of the versions, keep copying the advertisement.

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